Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Some notes on Famo.us

Note : These samples are written in CoffeeScript.

Listen to window resizing:
Engine.on 'resize', ->
'dimensions:' + '<br>' +
'width : ' + window.innerWidth + 'px ' + '<br>' +
'height: ' + window.innerHeight + 'px'

Listen on click event on the entire screen:
Engine.on 'click', (event) ->
'click position:' + '<br>' +
'x :' + event.clientX + 'px ' + '<br>' +
'y :' + event.clientY + 'px'

Add an EventHandler on a Surface:
eventHandler = new EventHandler()
surface.pipe eventHandler
eventHandler.on 'click', -> alert 'Click from the event handler'

Create a Surface with its true size (the exact size of its content):
surface = new Surface
size: [true, true]
content: 'Hello World'
classes: ['red-bg']

View is a widget container for Surface. They can be attached to the RenderTree and can handle events:
mainContext = Engine.createContext()
view = new View()
surface = new Surface
size: [200, 200]
content: 'Hello World'
classes: ['red-bg']
lineHeight: '200px'
textAlign: 'center'
surface.pipe view
view._eventInput.on 'click', -> alert 'Primary Surface Clicked'
view._add surface
mainContext.add view

Fill a ContainerSurface with a ScrollView containing 100 Surface:
container = new ContainerSurface
size: [400, 400]
overflow: "hidden"
surfaces = []
scrollview = new Scrollview()
for idx in [0...100]
temp = new Surface
size: [undefined, 50]
content: "I am surface: " + (idx + 1)
classes: ["red-bg"]
textAlign: "center"
lineHeight: "50px"
temp.pipe scrollview
surfaces.push temp
scrollview.sequenceFrom surfaces
container.add scrollview
.add new Modifier
origin: [.5, .5]
.add container

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