Tuesday, October 6, 2015

[Minix] Posts index


Final result preview

I thought it would be appropriate to have a preview of the final result of the project covered in these tutorial series in it's index, so here it is:

Table of contents

You can actually skip this and head to the first tutorial right away.

Tutorial 1
How to install Minix and setup VMware Player

Tutorial 2
RSE and Minix commands

Tutorial 3
Setting up a project with some useful scripts

Tutorial 4
Adding graphics to a project

Tutorial 5
Adding keyboard input to a project

Tutorial 6
Adding a timer to a project

Tutorial 7
Adding a mouse to a project

Tutorial 8
Loading bmp images

Tutorial 9
Creating a state machine and a main menu

Tutorial 10
Creating the game state, adding a moving background and ground

Tutorial 11
Adding flappy and the mario pipes

Main menu screenshot

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